Novotel Bangkok IMPACT - Family & Business trip hotel - GREEN KEY Establishments

GREEN KEY Establishments

Discover Our Commitment to Sustainability: Green Key Certification


At Novotel Bangkok IMPACT, we are proud to announce our Green Key Certification, a prestigious eco-label that reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainable and environmentally responsible practices. This certification highlights our dedication to minimizing our environmental impact while providing a memorable and eco-conscious experience for our guests.

What is Green Key?

Green Key is a leading global certification program that recognizes hospitality establishments for their commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices. Achieving Green Key Certification demonstrates our proactive efforts in areas such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, and community engagement. For more info, visit: Green Key

Our Sustainable Initiatives:

• Focusing on Energy Efficiency using available technology to minimize our carbon footprint.
• Waste reduction, we remove all single use-plastic items and replaced with sustainable option.
• We partner with a company to recyclable waste as much as possible. For example, every day, we compost 10kg of food scrap with our food-composter to fertilize our plants.
• To reduce the impact on the ecosystem, we switch most of our chemicals to SAO (Stabilized Aqueous Ozone from TERSANO
• Community Engagement: Through partnerships and community outreach, we are dedicated to environmental education and community well-being.

Your Role in Sustainability: You Can Help Too!

We invite you to actively participate in our sustainability journey. By embracing our eco-friendly initiatives—such as reusing towels and linens (how often do you change your sheets at home?), turning off the air-conditioning when leaving your room (would you leave it on when you’re not home?), and reducing water consumption (let’s not waste precious water)—you help us make a meaningful difference.

Please consider minimizing food waste by taking only what you can consume from the buffet. Think about the hard work farmers put into bringing food to our tables. We also encourage you to try our delicious vegetarian specialties at the Groove & Greens Café for a more sustainable meal and to help reduce your carbon footprint.

Your mindful choices contribute to a more environmentally responsible stay and a better world for everyone.

Stay with Us, Stay Green: Choosing Novotel Bangkok IMPACT means choosing an eco-conscious stay without compromising on comfort. We invite you to experience the harmony of sustainable hospitality and exceptional service during your visit.

Thank you for being a part of our commitment to a greener future.

brand marker Novotel Bangkok IMPACT ☆☆☆☆

94 Popular Road, Banmai Subdistrict, Pakkred, 11120 Nonthaburi
Tel: +66 2 833 4888
Fax: +66 (0) 2 833 4889

  • green-key-establishments
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